Another day of working diligently on the Administration/Coca-Cola Building and the Allied Health Building.
The Admin/Coca-Cola building has lots of green details, that got added today. Punched up some of the cream stucco. The painting is very slowly beginning to look like the actual building, although there is quite aways to go yet.
Added many more bricks to the Allied Health building, adding more decorative detail, and laid down a background for the side of the building.
I had to field a lot of questions and respond to many comments and compliments today, as there were many new people coming into the building for the new GED classes that Adult Education was starting today. A reminder to me, that I need to have most of the work done, before our students return in early August, even though the deadline for completion is not until September.
The whole thing is really looking like a mural these days.
You are making great progress! It looks really, really good!
The mural is coming along beautifully! Well done Sue.
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