Pholcus phalangioides
dangling from your web
graciously sharing your space
keeping ants at bay.
This is the little (female) cellar spider or "cobweb" spider, some times erroneously called a "daddy long legs," that lives above my shower. I have come a very long way from the extremely phobic woman I once was, that I allow this lady to share my space, instead of vacuuming her up in terror. Don't get me wrong -- when a wolf spider the size of my right hand invaded my tub he was immediately dead! But I've learned over the years that the little Pholcus phalangioides will stay quietly in their corners and won't disturb me, if I don't disturb them.
that is amazing.........:)
My grandson did a report on the so called "daddy long leg", before then I was like you, see a spider, kill a spider. But I love this little one --- no matter what you do you can't stop ants from coming indoor, and this little one does wonder.
So I allow a few to live with me as long as they keep out of my way.
Enjoyed this Sue, and thanks for your comment today. I was pretty nervous about the word "acceder" because I know there are quite a few educators on this list.
Great words there. I look after my spiders wherever possible. They work well for the household.
You are a very kind woman Sue. I love animals but spiders....well let's just say Im glad that I don't meet up with too many of them. Yikes!
Thanks for your kind and thoughtful comment re: the passing of our beloved Mitzi, most appreciated.
You illustrate give and take like nobody. Beautiful, Sue.
A wonderful little haiku here Sue.
Did you know that you, too, are a part of the food chain? The spider eats the ant, you kill the spider, the other bugs eat it.
this prompt is getting a lot of Haikus... this was an amazing one! well written!
I do not mind spiders having a space so long as they do not get too close to my space.
Great photo.
Allow in this instance is also an opening of awareness and a letting go as well. So clear and concise. Great work.
I loved this sweet little one. I have a hard time killing these too. I explain to the children that they get confused about where thier home is and we have to put them out.
For some reason moths must be demolished though...
Nice! I can live with this spider - others, not so much!
This was such an insightful post.. The "sense" of an "allowance" is indeed so huge.. It often reflects on our perspectives, shaped by wisdom, borne of leading the journey of life..
Wonderful little poem. Very cool that you got past your fear of this creature. I take spiders outside and set them free (of my home ;-})
.. we are on a web too ..
it's slightly different ..
wonderful ! ..
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