Wednesday, December 30, 2009

"once in a very blue moon"

A few of my blogger/Facebook friends Deborah Godin and Beth Patterson, alerted me to the fact that there will be a "blue moon" tomorrow December 31, 2010. These days a "blue moon" is defined as the second full moon that occurs in a calendar month. These are pretty rare.

NASA has a great piece on the origin of the phrase "once in a blue moon" and the more recent association of it with the astronomical phenomenon of two full-moons in a single calendar month.

My favorite piece of music about a blue moon, is performed by Nanci Griffith and is called "Once in a very blue moon" a song which she co-wrote with folk singer Patrick Alger.


Anonymous said...

Won't be back again until August 2012 so enjoy!!
Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Sue, I have jsut been outdoors shooting the blue moon as it came over the pine trees at the edge of the woods. I heard about it from a guy in Montana a bit earlier.

Love that song, actually like almost everything she does.

sgreerpitt said...

I fell in love with Nanci Griffith's music after hearing her sing "I knew love" on VH1 back in the late 1980's. When I got the album, I discovered that I liked her own more country songs even better.