Monday, January 5, 2009

Nino and the powers of the universe

It is astounding to me how resilient living beings can be. After yesterday's trauma of seizures and coma, Nino has rebounded, and although a tiny bit shaky and tired, he ate a huge breakfast. He is spending the day with our vet, who says that his blood sugar has stabilized in the normal range (he was diagnosed as diabetic this past summer).

I now feel certain that the powers of the universe (however one understands them)were working in our and Nino's behalf, for had our vet not been out of town yesterday afternoon, we almost certainly would have wanted to euthanize him. It did not seem at all likely in the midst of the coma that he could ever revive and be healthy again.

Here was a concrete situation where I wanted something desperately (to reach my vet and put an end to what I perceived as Nino's suffering), and I did not get what I wanted. Today, it is easy to see that my understanding of the situation was limited, that what I wanted so desperately was misguided, and that not getting what I wanted was the best outcome. This is not the first time that this has happened to me -- realizing later (sometimes days, sometimes years) that not getting something I thought was necessary and desirable made possible other, different, extraordinary and wonderful things to happen in my life.

These experiences have led me to believe that on a grander, historical and even cosmic scale there are reasons for things that seem tragic and horrific to us today; reasons that we may never be able to comprehend because they will always be beyond our finite, limited human understanding, but which exist nonetheless.


Anonymous said...

First of all - go Nino!! So glad to hear he has stabilized and has his appetite back, always a good sign for four-leggeds, and two-leggeds, too! Your metaphysical thoughts reminded me of something I learned from a spiritual mentor of mine. She said, in the face of not knowing what the big picture actually may be, an effective way to pray (or visualize or whatever one does) is to ask for an outcome that serves the highest good for all concerned, and pray the removal of all UNnecessary suffering. As you pointed out, we just can't know what may be called for in the end. I don't even think we know what the end is, half the time!

sgreerpitt said...

a good piece of advice. In that same vein, the prayer I most often pray, is for people (myself, loved ones, strangers, even enemies) to find a way to draw strength from the spiritual powers of the universe, that bring peace no matter what they face.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, yes, yes, yes.... animals are a string connecting us humans to places previously unknown... came by from OSI... beautiful ku as well...

Qaro said...

Good things to pray for. So glad for your surprise.

(Not sure what to think of this captcha "airbionc". Air Bionic. Is the universe mentioning my Dad? Am I falling into the mode of fortune telling? Is this random patterns or angels?)

sgreerpitt said...

My brain is slow this morning; I really had to think for a while about where you got the captcha from -- then -- duh!-- of course from the automatically generated one from Blogger. I'm always a little weirded out when those things actually spell out words instead of just random letters. Some blogging programs though seem to allow people to choose a specific set of words to use. I know one person whose captcha is almost always "quiet" but they aren't on Blogger.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful reminder of how the Universe 'works' when we can relax and allow it to. I'm delighted your kitty is doing better ;--)
Hugs and blessings,